As the name implies, brand awareness means the degree to which a consumer can identify or remember the brand, company or a product. Brand awareness plays an unprecedented role when it comes to the decision making done by a customer. Putting yourself in a customer’s shoes, when you are about to buy a product and you are at the supermarket shelf, are you more likely to go for a band which you have never heard of or are you more likely to go for a brand which you have heard and know a lot more? Brand awareness does not just mean being able to remember the name of the company but it can also be something like a consumer remembering a specific feature about it (like the color or shape). Brand awareness is also a measure of a company’s performance in the market. This is the reason companies make use of embroidered shirts Sydney with the company name or logo and hand it out to people or make use of corporate promotional merchandise during their promotional seasons as it gives them the opportunity to stick the company name and logo into the average consumer’s mind.
There mainly two types when it comes to brand awareness. These two are called brand recall and brand recognition. Brand recall is sometimes referred to as unaided recall and is known as the capacity to recall the name of a company when provoked by the relevant category. When provoked by a category, the average customer can remember only three of five companies, and getting the customer to remember your company is an extremely powerful tool.On the other hand when it comes to brand recognition, it is how easily an average customer can identify the company when they are handed the product. It does not mean the customer has to remember the company and its name but they should be able to identify it when or if they come across it. Unlike how unaided recalling works where the level of customers who can recall a company is low, the level of customers on this type are more. By doing marketing campaigns and advertising campaigns, it is much easier to make the customer remember the name of the company and this plays a major role when it comes to convincing the buyer to purchase your product than a product off of a competitor. Promotions such as discounted special prices, offering trade in terms that are better than your competitors also make a great means to achieve this while tele marketing is quite a popular method too. Visit this website to find out more details regarding promotional products.